the last training session for the Summer season will take place today (Wednesday 24th August) as the U17 team make their final preparations for their CUP FINAL game at Wycombe House this Friday starting at 4:30pm.
As many of the coaches and support staff will be attending the FINAL we will NOT be having training this Friday and would like to invite all parents/colts to come and support the U17s on Friday for which should prove to be an exciting final game of the season.
There will be further and more detailed communications in the coming weeks, but for now we would like to draw your attention to the following items and mark these in your diaries:
1. ANNUAL CLUB AWARDS & PRESENTATION EVENING: This is planned to take place on Friday 7th October in the Main Bar at our Cricket Club.
2. WINTER NETS: We plan to start Winter Nets (earlier than usual) from October this year and will share a detailed schedule once we have confirmed the sports hall booking.
3. ANNUAL PARENTS v COLTS MATCH: We traditionally hold a match between the Parents & Colts at the end of the season and we plan to have two T20 games on Sunday 4th September. Please reach out to your COLTS Manager/Coach if you would like to be involved in these matches.
Finally a big thankyou to all the Coaches & Managers who have helped throughout the season and the parents and children who have been part of the teams and squads throughout the Summer.
UCC Committee