Dear members
As we approach the start of the summer, we'd like to provide you with an update on subs and match fees for the coming season/.
UCC and USC run a strict no pay no play policy and would remind all members to ensure their subs are fully paid by 1st May.
Subs for colts & Family (with colt) should be paid directly to the cricket section and accompanied by a form (hard copy).
The forms can be downloaded from the links below (for family membership a form will be required for each applicant)
The bank details are
BANK NAME: NatWest Bank
ACCT NAME: Uxbridge Cricket club
ACT NUMBER: 65353811
SORT CODE: 60-22-10
When making payment online please ensure you input your child’s Name, as per Application form, followed by Subs 2023 & category. For example, Abrar Dar subs 23 JNR U11-13. Can I please request you also put the reference on the form and hand it to either a committee member, team manager or a club coach.
All other subs, including Family with no colts, should be paid directly over the bar to the main club. Please ensure you submit the correct form (Renewal/New).
No membership will be processed if either the form, or the payment, has not been made. Or cannot be matched so inputting payment reference on the form (anywhere at the top) is important.
We will also hold a colts registration day on Friday 14th April between 6pm and 7pm. You can also complete your child’s membership on the day. But please download the forms and fill them in and make the payment online beforehand.
After a freeze on match fees of 3 years, and in light of the current financial climate, the committee has decided to apply a minimal increase £1 for the coming season. Mainly to cover the increase for teas from USC. All other increases relating to match days, including match balls (Fyi, league balls have increased by 25%) & official’s expenses will be funded by sponsorship, fundraising, or from Club reserves.
The new match fees with teas will now be Adults £13 and Juniors & students £8. Where teas are not provided, the fees will be Adults £10 and Juniors £5. Juniors are classified as aged 17 and below. Please note, the committee reserves the right to increase the match fees due to unforeseen circumstances.
Kind Regards
Abrar Dar
Sent on behalf of Uxbridge CC Committee